GayWhistler Welcomes the InterPride Organization as its latest sponsor of the historical PRIDE Pavilion that spans the Olympics, WinterPRIDE and the Paralympic Winter Games
Whistler, BC – GayWhistler, the producers of the annual WinterPRIDE festival and of PRIDE House, are excited to announce InterPride, Inc (The International Association of Pride Organizers) as one of their latest sponsors of the LGBT Pride Pavilion due to open February 8th, 2010. The goal of Pride House is to help commemorate and enhance the Olympic experience by including all people and celebrating diversity while creating a dialogue on homophobia and transphobia within sports. Pride House will represent the global LBGT* community while InterPride will represent Pride organizations worldwide. It will offer athletes and visitors attending the Olympics and Paralympics a new perspective on the Games.
Mark F. Chapman, Co-President of InterPride said “this is a ground-breaking initiative and will enlighten the world with the human right inequalities existing for millions of LGBT* people around the world”.
“Having InterPride’s official support of Pride House is quite significant for us as it gives us the political voice and complements other partnerships such as the Gay Lesbian International Sports Association (GLISA), the Canadian Association for Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS) and Q community – which will help ensure that both the Whistler and Vancouver Pride House reflect the voices of the international, national and local communities,” explains Dean Nelson, Executive Producer of the Vancouver/Whistler Pride House 2010. “Having this international organization associated with PRIDE House only enhances the overall experience by ensuring we have information on all the various pride events around the world and also help liaise with the future Pride Pavilion at London 2012 where World Pride will happen in conjunction with the summer Olympics,” continued Nelson. “It is our hope that the London Organizing Committee along with the IOC will continue to recognize the need for a welcoming space for LGBT athletes, participants and opportunities for Pride House to be a legacy we pass onto future Olympics.”
PRIDE House will be open from February 8th through to March 21st and will take in three incredible events: The Olympics (Feb. 12-28), WinterPRIDE in Whistler (Mar. 1-8), and the Paralympics (Mar. 12-21). http://www.pridehouse.ca
* LGBT refers to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Two Spirited (gay First Nations people), Queer, Questioning, Intersex, and their friends, family and allies.
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