25 Nations descended on the beautiful city of Antwerp, Belgium for the fifth annual Mr. Gay World competition hosted by the worldOutgames. The Four day challenge combined Sports, Culture and Human Rights in the competition with various challenges including: Sports challenged hosted by the Antwerp Police Academy.
The delegates needed to work together in groups of five and complete various "rescue" missions pushing their physical fitness and mental capacities. The winning team would move onto the final challenge which was an obstacle course with target shooting. Mr. Aruba ended up winning this challenge.
The delegates also had to show their creative side by putting together an art exhibit depicting
LGBT life as they see it in their respective nations. The Exhibit was called "Through Pink Glasses" and would remain on display throughout the worldOutgames as part of the Cultural celebration. Mr. New Zealand ended up winning this challenge.
The delegates also had some one on one time with the panel of judges where they had an opportunity to express why they wanted to be the next Mr. Gay World and why they were most qualified for the job. The judges also were given the chance to ask follow up questions and dig a bit deeper to see who would be best qualified for the job. Mr.
New Zealand ended up winning the panel interview round.
Next the delegates needed to show how they could hold their own in a variety of run way challenges including Best National Costume. Each nation had to come up with a costume that best depicted their national identity. Mr. New Zealand won this challenge with his ballet inspired Maori Warrior look and went on to win
best in swimsuit. Mexico won best photogenic and Formal Wear. Mr. Philippines demonstrated his social media prowess and won the GuySpy People's Choice Award, and Canada went out of his way looking after fellow delegates winning Mr. Congeniality.
In the end the esteem panel of seven judges from six nations of Australia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Belgium, Philippines, and Canada choose Mr. Gay New Zealand - Chris Olwage the new reining Mr. Gay World 2013.
Chris won some fantastic prizes including a 3,000 euro diamond necklace, weekend in Queenstown, NZ for Queenstown Gay Ski Week, One week in Whistler for WinterPRIDE, one week Southern Caribbean Cruise courtesy of AmazingCruises.eu, one week in South Africa for Pink Loerie, photo book by Spartacus, eyewear by Binoche, swimwear, underwear and T's by Bjorn Borg and a ring by AMICI Pink.
Mr. Gay World 2014 will take place during the GayVillage in Rome, Italy late August 2014. For more information please visit mrgayworld.org Casting for Mr. Gay Canada 2014 is now underway. For more information visit mrgaycanada.ca
MGW13 Program Guide:
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